Slapende Skoonheid

Single by W.Laufs

Slapende Skoonheid (Sleeping Beauty) is my first single. I was inspired to write the song after making Man aan 'n Garing, Season 1. Ep 3, Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty is the name of a mountain just outside of Riversdale, South Africa. It looks like the sleeping princess. The key concept I am trying to illustrate is that beautiful and wonderful things pass us by every day. The world can be a shit place, but the world can also be a wonderful place. What we see is up to us. Anyway, I hope you find some meaning in the song. It was produced by U-Eminensie Records and the music video was done by deVabond Films:

Music Video Spotify, Apple Music, Itunes Youtube Music

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Thank you for listening and your support, Wilhelm